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"Let Your Light Shine" Matthew 5:14-16

Let Your Light Shine Day - February 2024

Our ‘Let Your Light Shine’ day was a wonderful opportunity for children to develop their understanding of their role in the school community, the wider community and the world, exploring what they have to offer for the good of others.  Well done to everyone for the role you played in making it an extra special day.


Christmas End of Term Service - December 2024

We held our end of term service in St Lawrence church.  This was very well attended by parents and carers and the children did a fantastic job of singing, reading the Bible readings telling the Christmas Story and leading the prayers.  Thank you to everyone that came.

Harvest Festival - October 2024

This year we celebrated Harvest Festival at St Lawrence Church.  The children sang songs and listened to Rev Peter talk about the meaning of Harvest.  The children read harvest poems and led the prayers and readings.

We were overwhelmed by the generosity of all the families who brought food to be donated to Rushden Food Bank.  Thank you so much.  This will really make a difference to many families in and around our local community.